Welcome to SkyscraperCity, the world's largest and busiest forum community on skyscrapers, architecture, urban development, metropolitan transport, public spaces, big city tourism and everything else which makes our cities great.
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Willkommen bei SkyscraperCity, dem größten und am stärksten frequentierte Forum Community der Welt auf Wolkenkratzer, Architektur, Städtebau, metropolitan Transport, öffentliche Plätze, große Stadt Tourismus und alles andere, die unsere Städte so großartig macht.
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Welcome to SkyscraperCity, the world's largest and busiest forum community on skyscrapers, architecture, urban development, metropolitan transport, public spaces, big city tourism and everything else which makes our cities great.
Visit or join us to meet thousands of multilingual urban enthusiasts and professionals from all over the world to share news, facts, images and fun.
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Your email address is required for the sole purpose of completing an App Login or Forgotten Password request. We will never send you unsolicited ‘junk’ email, or share this information with any outside parties. We are committed to protecting your privacy!